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DeLand Bulldogs Youth Football & Cheer

DeLand Bulldogs Youth Football & Cheer

DeLand Pop Warner Bylaws

Article I – Name

This organization shall be known as the “DeLand Bulldogs Youth Tackle Football & Cheerleading Association” hereinafter referred to as “The Bulldogs”.

Article II – Objective and Slogan

Section 1 - Objective The objective of The Bulldogs is to;

            a)        Familiarize young participants with the fundamentals of football and cheer and dance.

            b)        To provide them with the opportunity to play in an organized and supervised environment.

            c)     To teach them that academics and athletics should be joint, communal efforts.

            d)     To provide an atmosphere conducive to the development of sound mind, body, and character.

            e)     To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social, and moral welfare of our community.

            f)      To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of youth interest.

            g)     To encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in the youth we serve.

Section 2 - Slogan

The slogan of this organization shall be: Discipline equals success.

Section 3 - To achieve this, The Bulldogs will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Regulations incorporated herein and referenced in any addendum to this document. All Directors, Officers and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and molding of future citizens is of prime importance.

Section 4 - In accordance with Section 501(c) (3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, The Bulldogs shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of competitive athletic activities. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual: no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Section 5 - All rules and covenants set forth herein are intended to be complimentary and without deviation from current laws governing organizations as defined in Section 4. Any discrepancy or deviation shall be subject to the review of the Board of Directors, whose judgement shall be final. In any case, local, state or federal law, or rules set forth by the Federal Internal Revenue Code shall govern.


Article III – Membership Section


 Section 1 - Eligibility

 Any person of good moral character and legal majority may be granted membership in this organization.

Section 2 - Classes

 There shall be the following classes of Members:

            a)       Participant Members: Any participant candidate under the age of 18, meeting the requirements of, and who resides within the authorized boundaries of The Bulldogs shall be eligible to participate but shall have not rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property thereof or voting rights. Upon review and acceptance by the Football Commissioner or Cheer Commissioner (for Football Players and Cheerleaders respectively), based solely on these bylaws or rules set forth by the governing body of the Pop Warner Little Scholars, and placement on an active Roster, participant candidates shall be granted participant membership.

            b)       Regular Members: Any person, over the age of 18, actively interested in furthering the objectives of The Bulldogs shall become a regular member upon  election by the Board of Directors, appointment to a coaching staff or upon  registration of a Participant Member that meets the requirements of Article  III [2-1]. The secretary shall maintain the roll of membership to qualify voting members. Only Regular Members in good standing are eligible to vote for election of the Board of Directors and Officers at the Election meeting. A Member in good standing is defined as any Member who is eligible as defined in Section 1 of this Article, has met the requirements of Article IV if applicable, and has not been Suspended or Terminated by the procedures outlined in Section 4.

            c)       All Officers, Board Members, Committee Members, and other elected or appointed officials must be active Regular Members in good standing.

Section 3 – Other Affiliations

No person shall simultaneously hold membership in this organization and any other organization relating to youth tackle football and cheerleading that has a conflicting interest to The Bulldogs as determined by the Board of Directors. Members, whether Regular or Participant, shall not be required to be affiliated with another organization or group to qualify as a member of The Bulldogs.

Section 4 – Suspension, Termination or Resignation

Members may be terminated by resignation or action of the Board of Directors.

            (a) The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to initiate the process to discipline, suspend or terminate the membership of any Member of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of The Bulldogs. The member involved shall be notified and informed of the general nature of the charges and given an opportunity to appear at a Special Meeting to answer such charges. Notification shall be sent by certified mail, to the address of record, ten (10) calendar days prior to the meeting date.

            (b) All coaches shall lose tenure immediately as of: (1) The end of the season, including playoffs and championships, or (2) December 31 of each year, whichever date is earlier.

            (c) The Board of Directors shall, in the case of a discipline, suspension or termination of a Participant Member, give notice to the head coach of the team of which the participant is a member. Said coach, or a different advocate as selected by the Participant Member or Participant Member’s legal guardian shall appear, in the capacity of an advisor, with the participant before the Board of Directors, which shall have the full power to suspend or revoke such participant’s right to future participation.

            (d) Any member may resign at any time from this organization and said resignation shall become effective immediately. This resignation does not relieve the responsibility of said member until all indebtedness has been paid and all property has been returned, and all rights to the use of the name “Deland Bulldogs Youth Tackle Football and Cheerleading Association”, the emblem and other logos of this organization have been surrendered.

            (e) The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to suspend or terminate the right of any person or group to petition for membership of any kind when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of The Bulldogs.

Section 5 – Reinstatement

Any member dropped for membership may petition the Board of Directors for reinstatement. Such reinstatement may only be granted with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the present Directors of a duly constituted meeting.

Section 6 – Transfer of Membership
This organization may grant membership on a transfer basis to one who has terminated, or is terminating, his/her membership in another Pop Warner youth tackle organization, provided that the prospective member is in good standing at the time of the transfer request.

Section 7 – Tenure

On December 31 of each year membership in The Bulldogs shall be revoked for all Regular and Participating Members. Duly Elected Board Members shall retain membership until their perspective terms are complete.

Article IV – Dues

Section 1 - Dues for Participant Members may be fixed at such amounts as the Board of Directors shall determine prior to the beginning of any membership period.

Section 2
- Members who fail to pay their dues within thirty (30) days from the time they become due may, by vote of the Board, be dropped from the rolls and shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership.

Section 3 - Registration fees shall be set annually, by the Board of Directors, to be paid at the time of registration. No one shall participate in the programs of The Bulldogs without payment of such fees, unless fees are waived by direction of the Board of Directors, as outlined in Section 4.

Section 4
- Any member that cannot pay the fees outlined in this section may apply to the Treasurer for a Scholarship(s). Member fees may be waived by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 5 – Refunds

(a)  Registered participants who decide to not join the current Fall Football program before July 31st are eligible for a refund based off our refund schedule below with a written refund request.  All refunds will have a $50 administrative fee deducted.

(b)  Prior to July 31st- 100% refund minus a $50 administrative fee.

(c)  After August 1st: Due to equipment purchasing and league maintenance for the upcoming season, no refunds will be offered after the season starts with the exception of the following reasons.:

            1.         A medical condition that physically prevents the register participant from playing.  These refund requests must be accompanied by a doctor’s note and are subject to board approval.

            2.         We are unable to field a team in your child's division, or the program is cancelled by the State of Florida, or our governing body Pop Warner, the league will issue a refund for the athlete impacted.

All refund requests must be submitted in writing to the Board and are contingent upon the return of all league equipment. Please email your request to [email protected].

Article V – Meetings

Section 1 – Meeting Protocol

For the purposes of these by-laws a duly constituted meeting shall be defined as detailed in this article and shall be called by the President or Secretary or majority vote of the Board of Directors. Meetings shall be held in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order (latest edition), or by other Parliamentary Procedure as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. No meeting shall be called to order, nor shall any business be transacted, or votes counted without a quorum present. A quorum shall be defined as more than half (1/2) of the members of the Board of Directors. All meetings prescribed by this Article shall be open to any and all members for attendance. No special notice is required for meetings except as provided herein.

Section 2 – Annual Meetings

The annual meeting of The Bulldogs shall be held on the second Tuesday of December, or such other time as set by the President and conveyed, by e-mail to the last known address of each regular member for the purpose of receiving reports for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting.

Section 3 – Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the Members may be called by majority vote of the Board of Directors, or by the Secretary or President, at their discretion. Upon the written request of ten (10) Members, the President shall call a Special Meeting to consider a specific subject. No business other than that specified in the notice of the Special Meeting shall be transacted at any Special Meeting of the Members.

(A)    Notice of Special Meeting - Notice of each special meeting of the Members, except as provided for in Article 6, shall be posted on the League website or emailed to each member at the last recorded address at least ten (10) calendar days in advance thereof setting forth the place, time and purpose of the meeting.

Section 4 – Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors may, at such time as agreed upon by same, meet for the purpose of conducting business and performing affairs of The Bulldogs. Notification of such meetings shall be given to each Director at least 3 days in advance of such meeting. Meetings shall not be called at such time that conflict exists with other, predefined business of The Bulldogs at which one or more Directors must be present. It is the intent that these meetings be held at least monthly throughout the year, or more often as prescribed by President or majority vote of Board of Directors. Upon request by any Member in good standing, the Board (individually or as whole) shall extend an invitation to the next Board of Director’s Meeting to that member, 6 including location, time, and anticipated topics. Said Member shall be given time, as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors to discuss issues pertinent to their attendance.

Article VI – Elections

Section 1 – Nomination

Nominations shall be open until 30 days before the elections.  Regular members in good standing may submit nominations for Officers, Directors and Members at Large, providing that the nominees are current regular members in good standing and such nominations are received 30 days prior to the elections.

Section 2 – Election

The last regular season home game of the election year, or at other such time as directed by the Board of Directors, shall be considered a Special Meeting where Members may submit ballots for the Board of Directors positions. Such ballots will be collected throughout the day at a central location as designated by the Board of Directors. After the final game of the day, members shall convene at a central location as designated by the President and all ballots shall be counted by at least two members of the Nominating Committee and the tabulation of votes presented to the President, who shall announce the elected members. The Secretary or other Director as designated by the President or Board of Directors shall keep ballots until the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors.

Section 3 – Nominee Unable to Serve

If in the interim between the Nominating Meeting and Election Meeting any nominee is unable, for any reason, to serve in the capacity to which he/she was nominated and for which office there was no other nominee, the Nominating Committee shall submit, at the Election Meeting, names of additional nominees for the vacancy. If additional nominees were named as prescribed in Section 1 above, no additional names shall be added to the ballot to replace any nominee unable to serve.

Section 4 – Ballot

The Election shall be by ballot by those present and qualified to vote, and/or absentee ballot by those not present. A majority vote shall be necessary to elect.

Section 5 – Absentee Ballot

Should any Regular member in good standing be unable to attend the Election Meeting, an absentee ballot may be submitted prior to the Election Meeting to the President. An Absentee Ballot must be delivered in a sealed envelope with the members printed name and signature scribed on the sealed surface of the envelope. Absentee ballots shall also be notarized by a licensed Notary Public. Prior to counting ballots at the close of the Election Meeting, absentee ballots shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors, the seal broken, and folded ballot placed into the Ballot Box.

Section 6 – Elections

The Board of Directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. Elections shall be held each year for one-half (1/2) of the Directors positions currently prescribed by the Board of Directors. Officers shall be elected as follows:

            1) Even Years

                        a. President

                        b. Cheer Coordinator

                        c. Treasurer

            2) Odd Years

                        a. Vice President

                        b. Football Commissioner

                        c. Secretary

            3) Other Directors’ positions shall be elected in like manner, with the year of election as prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 7 – Board Appointed Positions

Any Director or Officer serving in a capacity for which they were appointed as outlined in Article VII, Section 4 and not elected by the membership shall be an ex-officio nominee for the same position during the election year following their appointment.

Article VII – Board of Directors

Section 1 – Board and Number

The management of the property and affairs of The Bulldogs shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The number of Directors shall not be less than five (5) not more than fifteen (15). The newly elected Directors shall officially take office immediately after the Election Meeting for which those Directors were elected.

Section 2 – Required Members

The Board membership shall include the Officers.  

Section 3 – Annual Election and Term of Office

At each annual Election Meeting, the Members shall cast votes to elect the Officers and Directors of the Board of Directors. The number of Directors may, within the limits prescribed by the foregoing Section 1, be increased or decreased at any Regular or Special Meetings of the Members, or any Board of Directors Meeting, and if the number is increased, the additional Directors may be elected at the meeting at which the increase is voted, or at any subsequent meeting. All elections of Directors shall be by majority vote of all members present or represented by a properly executed absentee ballot filed with the President and accepted by the Board of Directors prior to the election meeting.

Section 4 – Vacancies

If any vacancies occur in the Board of Directors the remaining Directors, shall immediately begin the search for replacement Director (from a current member in good standing). Upon nomination of replacement Director, the remaining members of the Board of Directors shall cast votes for acceptance or rejection of member into the Board of Directors. Upon acceptance, said member shall assume the role, duties, rights and responsibilities of the position on a date agreed upon by both Board and said member. Upon rejection, the remaining Directors shall immediately begin the search for a replacement Director, as outlined in this section. Should the vacancy leave the Board of Directors with a sufficient number of Directors as prescribed in Article VI, Section 1, and the board by two-thirds vote of remaining members may

            (a) Terminate the position left vacant.

            (b) Install another Director into that position and terminate new vacancy.

            (c) Install another Director into that position and replace new vacancy as outlined in this section.

            (d) Install vacancy as outlined in this section with a member in good standing.

Section 5 – Duties and Powers the Board of Directors shall:

            (a) Have the power to appoint such Standing Committees as it shall determine appropriate and to delegate such powers to them as the Board shall deem advisable and which it may properly delegate.

            (b) Adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings under the requirements of Article V, Section 5 and the management of The Bulldogs, as it may deem proper.

            (c) Shall have the power, by a vote of two-thirds of those Directors present at any Board of Directors Meeting, Regular or Special Meeting, to discipline, suspend or remove any Director, Officer or Committee Member of The Bulldogs in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article III, Section 4.

            (d) Adopt, for use by the association, Operating Procedures that outline day to day operations for the Board of Directors and the membership. Such Operating 9 Procedures are intended to be complimentary to these By-Laws and to State Law. In case of discrepancy, State Law and these By-Laws take precedent respectively.

Article VIII – Executive Committee

Section 1 - The Board of Directors may appoint an Executive Committee which shall consist of not less than three (3) or no more than five (5) Directors, one of whom shall be the President of The Bulldogs.

Section 2 - The Executive Committee shall advise and assist the Officers of The Bulldogs in all matters concerning its interests and the management of its affairs and shall have such other powers as may be delegated to it by the Board.

Section 3
 - At all meetings of the Executive Committee, a majority of the total number of members then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the act of a majority present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the committee.

Article IX – Other Committees

Section 1 - Nominating Committee

The Board of Directors may appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of not less than one (1) Director and other appointed Regular Members. The Committee shall:

            (a) Investigate and consider eligible candidates.

            (b) Submit, prior to the Election Ballot meeting, a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors as Nominated by the members as prescribed in Article VI,           Section 1. All candidates nominated by Regular Members in good standing shall be considered for submittal to the Board of Directors.

            (c) Submit for consideration by the Board of Directors a slate of Officers and Committee Members, as nominated by Regular Members in good standing.

Section 2 - Finance Committee

The Board of Directors may appoint a Finance Committee consisting of not less than two (2) and not more than five (5) Directors and other appointed Regular Members. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee and shall chair the Committee. 10 The Committee shall:

            (a) Investigate ways and means of financing various projects including but not limited to team sponsorships, equipment and facilities purchases, and long and short-term investments, in accordance with Regional and National policies.

            (b) Be responsible for taking up collections at games or practices, if such collections are authorized by The Bulldogs, and shall turn over said collections to the Treasurer immediately following practice or game.

            (c) The Committee may also be responsible for reviewing operating budgets at the request of the Board and making recommendations on those budgets to the Board of Directors.

Section 3 – Equipment Committee

The Board of Directors may appoint an Equipment Committee, which shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors for the purchase of needed supplies and equipment.

The Equipment Manager shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee and shall chair the Committee.

The Committee shall be responsible for the proper issuance of such supplies and for the repair, cleaning and storage thereof at the close of the season.

Section 4 – Coaches Committee

The Board of Directors may appoint a Coaches Committee consisting of not less than one Director and other appointed Regular Members. The Football Commissioner and Football Director shall be ex-officio members of the Committee, and the Football Commissioner shall chair the Committee. The Coaches Committee shall:

            (a) Interview and investigate prospective coaches for appointment and subsequent approval by the Football Commissioner.

            (b) During the playing season, observe the conduct of the coaches and report its findings to the Football Commissioner, if so directed.

            (c) At the request of the Board of Directors, investigate complaints concerning coaches and other volunteers and make a report thereof to the Football Commissioner as the case may be, if so directed.

Section 5 – Other Committees

The Board of Directors may appoint Other Committees as it sees fit, to investigate, coordinate and report on other matters as deemed necessary by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.  

Section 6 - All Committees listed shall research and review ways and means to improve The Bulldogs.

The Chairpersons of said Committees shall report findings and recommendations back to the Board of Directors for its consideration. The Board of Directors then may have thirty (30) days to act on the recommendations.

Article X – Officers and Other Board Members, Duties and Powers

Section 1 – Election

Immediately following the Election Meeting, the President of The Bulldogs shall notify all elected Board Members of their positions for the ensuing two (2) year period.

Section 2 – Officers

The Officers of The Bulldogs shall consist of a President, a Football Commissioner a Vice President, a Cheer Coordinator, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all who shall hold office for the ensuing two (2) year period or until their successors are duly elected unless such Directors have been removed as defined in Article VII, Section 5. The Board of Directors may, as outlined in Article VII, appoint such other Board Members as they may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe the powers and duties of each and may fill any vacancy which may occur in any office.  To be eligible for an Officer board position, the member must have served at least 1 year in a general board position.  The service requirement may be waived, should the President deem it necessary and in the best interests of the organization.    The President may meet with the Organizations Officers, as needed, to assist the President with the day-to-day operation of the Organization.

Section 3 – The President

The President shall:

            (a) Conduct the affairs of The Bulldogs and execute the policies of the Board of Directors.

            (b) Present a report of the condition of The Bulldogs at the annual meeting.

            (c) Communicate to the Board of Directors such matters as deemed appropriate and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of The Bulldogs.

            (d) Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to The Bulldogs and report thereon to the Board of Directors.

            (e) Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors by June 15th and be responsible for the proper execution thereof.

            (f) Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and The Bulldogs.

            (g) Issue the call for Regular Meetings and Special Meetings of the Board of Directors and The Bulldogs.

            (h) Nominate the Committees as outlined in Articles VIII and IX and cooperate with chairpersons thereof to affect regular functioning and reporting of such Committees.

            (i) See that regular elections of the Officers are duly called, noticed and held, as prescribed in Article VI. 12

            (j) Count all Yeas and Nays, either cast by present Members in good standing, or absentee ballots of Members in good standing, and report same to the Secretary.

            (k) All Directors shall report directly to the President, who shall determine which issues shall be heard by the Board of Directors pursuant to the Articles contained herein and provided in Amendments hereto.

            (l) Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings.

Section 4 – Vice President 

Vice President shall:

            (a) In case of the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers, duties and responsibilities of that office, and shall have other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

            (b) Serve as Weighmaster, and as such be responsible for book check and weight check prior to each game.

            (c) Oversee the duties of the Fundraising Coordinator and Concessions Director.

Section 5 - Football Commissioner

 Football Commissioner shall:

            (a) Maintain the duties and responsibilities of Director of Football Operations for The Bulldogs.

            (b) With the assistance of the Board of Directors, examine the application and support the proof-of-age and any other required documents of every participant candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the participant may be accepted.

            (c) Under direction of the President, oversee the functioning of such Committees as the President may designate.

            (d) Submit to the Board of Directors all Football Head Coaches of each season.

            (e) Perform all duties of Field Commissioner at all games and practices.

            (f) Submit a detailed budget for all football operations to the President, prior to May 1st for addition into the yearly budget by President submitted to the Board of Directors.

            (g) Investigate all issues that arise concerning coaches, football participants and parents, and act on said issues pursuant to the Articles contained herein and provided in Amendments hereto.

            (h) Represent each level of play for all football teams in their respective positions.

            (i) Maintain a file of football team rosters with an update of adds and drops for the Association and submit to the Board.

            (j) Receive weekly report of game scores and forward to the Parent League.

            (k) Receive and retain in the files weekly Mandatory Play Sheets as dictated by “Pop Warner” from the coaches. Report to the Board of Directors any coach in violation of the Mandatory Play Rules.

            (l) Investigate weekly any lopsided scores of games per “Pop-Warner” guidelines. Report any such findings to the Board of Directors with recommendation of any sanctions if any are required.  

            (m) Receive from coaches any violation of “Pop Warner” playing rules, investigate and file complaints from coaches to the appropriate Parent League Manager. If unable to resolve the problem, send, in writing to the Parent League a written recommendation for investigation.

            (n) Oversee the duties of the Football Director

Section 6 – Cheer Coordinator

The Cheer Coordinator shall:

            (a) Submit to the Board of Directors all Cheerleading Head Coaches by start of season.

            (b) Conduct and attend (or designate substitute for attendance) all meetings and clinics relating to cheerleading matters.

            (c) With the assistance of the Board of Directors, examine the application and support the proof-of-age and any other required documents of every participant candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the participant may be accepted.

            (d) Submit a detailed budget for all cheerleading operations to the President, by May 1st for addition into the yearly budget by President submitted to the Board of Directors.

            (e) Investigate all issues that arise concerning coaches, cheerleading participants and parents, and act on said issues pursuant to the Articles contained herein and provided in Amendments hereto.

            (f) Be a liaison from the coaches to the Board of Directors.

            (g) Maintain a file of cheer squad rosters with an update of adds and drops for the Association and submit to the Board.

            (h) Represent each level of play for all cheerleading squads in their respective positions.

Section 7 – The Secretary

The Secretary shall:

            (a) Be responsible for recording the activities of The Bulldogs and maintaining appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records.

            (b) Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

            (c) Maintain a list of all Regular, Participant Members, Directors and Committee members and give notice of all meetings of The Bulldogs Board of Directors and Committees.

            (d) Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.

            (e) Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.

            (f) Perform all background checks on volunteers as set forth by Pop Warner Rules.

            (g) Coordinate disbursement of all trophies, plaques, and awards for Participants and Coaches that complete the football/cheer season.  

            (h) Coordinate team and individual photos, track all associated payments and disburse packages to members.

Section 8 – Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

            (a) Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth and such duties as are customarily incident to the office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

            (b) Receive all monies and securities, and deposit it in depository approved by the Board of Directors on or before Tuesday following date of collection.

            (c) Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities, approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors. All disbursements by checks must have dual signatures. The signatures will be those of the Treasure and other Director as designated by the Board of Directors.

            (d) Prepare and submit financial reports to the Board of Directors.

            (e) Prepare and submit Scholarship applications to the Board.

Section 9 – Equipment Manager(s)

The Equipment Manager(s) shall:

            (a) Ensure all areas are well prepared and all functions are smooth and ready for game day.

            (b) Organize all aspects of game day necessities such as field markers, line markers, end zone pads, striping of the field, clock maintenance and operator, chain gang, and any other areas not listed.

            (c) Clean up of the game field for all games and practices.

            (d) Maintain equipment to spec and ensure complete safety.

            (e) Inventory all equipment with a signed receipt from recipient.

            (f) Recommend to the Board any items that need to be replaced and/or ordered.

Section 10 – Concessions Director

The Concessions Director shall:

            (a) Organize all aspects of concession stand such as purchasing, inventory, price setting, work schedule, and set up and break down of concession.

            (b) Oversee and direct all aspects of concession at games, practices and events throughout the year.

            (c) Be responsible for bank and monies collected.
            (d) Turn all monies over directly to the Treasurer.

            (e) Report to and coordinate with the Vice-President all matters outlined in this section 15

Section 11 – Fundraising Coordinator

The Fundraising Coordinator shall:

            (a) Report to and coordinate with the Vice-President all matters outlined in this section

            (b) Arrange and organize fundraising activities, and events.

            (c) Oversee and track sponsorship program.

Section 12 – Football Director

            (a) Report to and coordinate with the Football Commissioner all matters outlined in this section

            (b) Conduct and attend (or designate substitute for attendance) all meetings and clinics relating to football matters, including but not limited to, the training and development of football coaches.

            (c) Be the liaison for the coaches to the Board of Directors.


Article XI – Financial and Accounting

Section 1 - The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of The Bulldogs per the financial policy and it shall place all income in a common treasury, directing the expenditure of same in such a manner as will give no individual or team an advantage over those in competition with such individual or team.

Section 2 - No Director, Officer or Member of The Bulldogs shall receive, directly or indirectly, any salary, compensation, or emolument from The Bulldogs for services rendered as Director, Officer, Member, or coach.

Section 3 - All monies received shall be deposited to the credit of The Bulldogs in the local financial institution selected by the Board of Directors and all disbursements shall be made by check, and or debit card. All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and other Director as designated by the Board of Directors. All debit card transactions will require pre-approval by the Treasurer, and other Director as designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 4 - The fiscal year of The Bulldogs shall begin on the first day of the January and shall end on the last day of December.

Section 5 - 
Distribution of property upon dissolution. Upon dissolution of The Bulldogs and after all outstanding debts and claims have been satisfied the Members shall direct the remaining property of The Bulldogs to another federally incorporated entity which maintains the same objectives as set forth herein, which are or may be entitled to exemption under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code or any future corresponding provision.

dyfc financial policy.pdf


DeLand Bulldogs Youth Tackle Football and Cheerleading Association
DeLand Youth Football and Cheer Association, 336 E New York Ave #3331
DeLand, Florida 32720

Email: [email protected]

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